Friday, June 24, 2016

RJF ~ Author Interview ~ Shantelle Mary Hannu

Today we have a great interview with Shantelle Mary Hannu, author of A Dream Not Imagined.

Image result for Shantelle mary hannuFor starters, how long have you been writing and when did you published your first book?

I've been writing since about age 8 (so around ten/eleven years), and published my first book, a novella called A Dream Not Imagined, May 2015.

Is there a certain book of yours--published or not yet out for the public--that holds a special place in your heart?

A fantasy/Christian allegory tale of mine, Silver Rose, is pretty special to me. In some ways, it tells bits and pieces of my life story. And it's the first full-length novel I've finished and edited! ...Well, there is more editing to be done yet. I'm revising/editing some more before I hope to get Silver Rose into the publication process!

Are there any authors that when you read their books it makes you want to write like them?

Image result for writing booksFor sure! Jill Williamson, because her stories are so epic, and her characters so real! Laura Frantz, because her writing style is so lyrical and beautiful! Heather Dixon (thinking of Entwined), because she blends just the right amount of humor, romance, fairytale-ishness, and relationship dynamics to make her story utterly enchanting and heartfelt. Robin Jones Gunn, because her stories feel like real-life stories that I can l learn, laugh at, and grow from. There are so many other authors that impacted my writing, but I'll stop now. :D

Where is the place where you get your biggest inspiration for writing? In a field, bedroom, Pinterest, etc.?

Hmm ... my inspiration really comes randomly. Sometimes after watching an emotional, epic movie. Sometimes while sitting in a college class on natural disasters. Sometimes after experiencing a new situation. I usually write in my room, sitting on my bed typing away on my laptop. :)

Where do you write and what does it look like?
Image result for writing books
Yep, usually in my room. I actually recently moved and haven't written yet in my new room. But I have a nice desk that my laptop sits on, right next to my bed. I can glance over at my little white bookshelf filled with my precious, beautiful books, haha. And right above that is a window where the sun shines through and lovely pink roses are blooming. Very pleasant! ^_^

And the question I’m sure a lot of people are wondering, do you have a goal for the date of your next book release?

Um ... *hides sheepishly* I have no idea when I'll be publishing my next book. As I mentioned above, I'm planning on publishing Silver Rose next. But there's been a lot going on in my life lately, and so I've been taking a break from writing/editing. I think I'm ready to start writing again, but not so sure about editing. XD So no, I don't have a publication date. But, Lord willing, I'll get working on revising/editing again soon and have my fantasy story polished up for the public in the near future!

Thanks so much for having me on your blog, Deborah!


Thank you for joining us, Shantelle! You can buy her book here and add to Goodreads too!! Also, keep up with Shantelle's updates on her blog and Facebook.


  1. Replies
    1. I had a lot of fun reading Shantelle's answers!! =D

  2. Oh, A Dream Not Imagined and Silver Rose sound exciting!

    Really enjoyed reading this interview, Shantelle and Deborah! :)

    1. Yes, they are both so exciting!!! =D I can hardly wait for the public to read The Silver Rose!

      I'm glad. This was a very fun interview! :)


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