Wednesday, June 8, 2016

RJF ~ The End of the Beginning

Sorry I didn't post anything yesterday, but today I'll make up for it with a series of two books that I absolutely love! They are so funny and full of out-of-the-box humor.

The End of the Beginning: Being the Adventures of a Small Snail (and an Even Smaller Ant)

About the book:

Avon the snail has never had an adventure. And adventure, he has heard, is the key to a happy life. So with his new friend Edward the ant, Avon sets out on a journey to find the excitement his life has been missing.
     This modern fable is filled with funny--and profound--insights about the meaning of things . . . great and small.

Add to Goodreads and buy here

A Beginning, a Muddle, and an End: The Right Way to Write Writing

About the book:

Avon the snail and Edward the ant are back for another funny--and philosophical--adventure. This time, Avon has decided he wants to be a writer, only to discover that writing is way more difficult than he ever imagined. He finally gets the word Something written down, but there's a problem: What to write next? Luckily, his friend Edward is there to advise.

Brimming with wit, wisdom, and humor, this warm and winning tale of two friends on a quest will be enjoyed by readers (and writers) of all ages.

Add to Goodreads and buy here


  1. What an interesting title! And a very interesting story too! Never heard of it before, but I'll be on the lookout for it ;)

    1. Read them both, they are so hilarious! :) =D


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