Monday, June 27, 2016

RJF ~ Author Interview ~ Jennae Noelle

Since this is the last week of June, that means we are down to the last posts of the Recommend June Fest. To end the month, however, I will be hopefully posting two author interviews this week! And to start with I'm really excited to have Jennae Noelle on the blog today!! =D


For starters, how long have you been writing and when did you published your first book?

I started writing for my own pleasure in middle school, so about 10 years ago. I had a lot of stories bouncing around in my head and at last they found a way out. They weren't very good, but everyone starts somewhere, and I am thankful for the people who saw enough good in them to ask for more. I self-published my first book In the spring of 2013. It's a picture book titled Happy Birthday, Pink Dog.

Are there any authors that when you read their books it makes you want to write like them?

I grew up reading the Elsie Dinsmore books and loved them. I know not everyone is a fan of them, but there is a simplicity to their storytelling and a complexity in the family relationships that I like.

Simplicity is definitely something I strive for, but I have a tendency toward wordiness that gets in the way.

I like the way books were written a hundred years ago. There seems to have been more thought put into the things they said. Of course, that seems to be true of all old things. People used to like quality. Or maybe it's just that the things that were good-quality have survived the test of time. Still, sometimes I wonder what our current society has that will stand the test of time.

Where do you write and what does it look like?

I write many different places: sometimes at my desk, often just in a comfy chair, or on the couch, or even on the floor. It may be in my bedroom, in my living room, at the park, or on an airplane. I find that airplanes are great places to write.

I started out writing in notebooks and still enjoying writing with pen and paper. I wrote Happy Birthday, Pink Dog on a piece of lined paper. And my novel, Becoming Heather, started out in a composition notebook. I do more on the computer than I used to though.

I take my time when I am writing. I don't rush at an idea, but I let it come together in its own time.

Where is the place where you get your biggest inspiration for writing? In a field, bedroom, Pinterest, etc.?

Inspiration is a funny thing. It pops up when I least expect it. Sometimes it's during a conversation with a friend. Sometimes it's late at night when I can't sleep. Sometimes it's while I'm at work doing something mindless. I feel that the stories I write are both an expression and an investigation of the things I am learning in my life. I have all sorts of ideas of things I want to write, but those that teach me about myself and the world around me and the heart of God are the ones I pursue.

Are you a morning person or a night owl? And does that affect what time of day you write?

I am a morning person. I do prefer to write early in the day, but I will use any time when I have energy.

And the question I’m sure a lot of people are wondering, do you have a goal for the date of your next book release?

My goal is to publish my book Shellter on August 25th. Shellter is a children's picture book about a turtle who is looking for shelter from a storm. The revising process has been longer than I had hoped but I am persevering and hoping for an August 25th release. I know that a lot of people are wanting more adult fiction from me, but I cannot give a definite timeline for that. I can only thank my readers for their support and their patience.


Thank you so much Jennae!

You can find Jennae's two books on Amazon and visit her on Facebook and her website.

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